Pope Family Tree

Albert Victor JohnsonAge: 81 years19031984

Albert Victor Johnson
Birth May 27, 1903
Birth of a son
Douglas Victor Johnson
November 27, 1932 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Brian William Johnson
December 14, 1938 (Age 35 years)
Death November 18, 1984 (Age 81 years)

Shared note

"Albert Johnson a son-in-law - Albert enlisted in the Canadian Air Force on May 19 1941, he gave his occupation as a mechanic and oil agent. He was in the Air Force Police Unit, his number was R105513. He trained in Edmonton Albeta, Toronto, Ottawa, Hagerville, and Trenton Ontario. He was stationed in Calgary Alberta, Regina Saskatchewan, Halifax and Moncton Nova Scotia. He sailed on the Queen Elizabeth to England. In England he was stationed at Bournemouth, Middelton, Oxbridge, London 1942 to 1945. He arrived in Calgary Alberta and was discharged November 7 1945, with the rank of Flight Sargent, safely home to family and friends." -- Pope Family Chronicles, 2007